I make physics simulations and animations using the awesome open-source 3D software, Blender. You can use these videos in your talks and presentations, and send me an email if you want to make a request for an animation to do with your research!

Dark Matter Nuclear Recoil
Dark Matter Nuclear Recoil
In collobration with Dr Theresa Fruth, part of the LZ collaboration

Electron Ionisation from
Dark Matter Interaction
Electron Ionisation from
Dark Matter Interaction

A Xenon Atom
A Xenon Atom
(If you don't want the dark matter bit)

Spiral Galaxy
Spiral Galaxy

Galaxy Without Dark Matter
Galaxy Without Dark Matter
(with velocity curve indicators)

Galaxy with Dark Matter
Galaxy with Dark Matter

A Hadron feat. Quarks and Gluons
A Hadron feat. Quarks and Gluons

Hadron Scattering to Produce a Meson
Hadron Scattering to Produce a Meson
With special guest - quark-antiquark pair production.

Electron-Positron Annihilation
Electron-Positron Annihilation
Or "A Short-lived Positronium Particle"

Billiard Momentum Conservation
Billiard Momentum Conservation
100% all-natural physics simulation!